​Management Guidelines Department of STI Control

Joint Editors: Dr Tan Hiok  Hee, Dr Priya Sen
Contributors: Prof Roy Chan, Dr Martin Chio, Dr Ellen Chan, Dr Gavin Ong, Ms Amy Chan


The DSC STI Management Guidelines handbook is designed to serve as a concise and comprehensive reference manual for doctors, paramedical personnel, medical students and counselors.

The 5th edition contains updates in all chapters and key references for each chapter. This edition also endeavors to support guidelines based on the latest available evidence.

References are made to the latest 2006 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of STI management guidelines, as well as those of the BASHH (British Association of Sexual Health and HIV), along with local experience and knowledge. Some amendments in this edition include recommending that all HIV co-infected patients with syphilis be treated with at least 3 doses of parenteral penicillin, a new section on non-occupational post exposure prophylaxis against HIV, guidelines on using the new Type Specific Serological Tests for HSV and the Line Immunoassay for syphilis, which has replaced the FTA-Abs test and updated information on STI screening in asymptomatic patients.

​Price: S$20.00 (Inclusive GST)

*Offer price for NSC doctors - S$15.00 (Inclusive GST)​

Available at NSC and DSC Pharmacy 
(For sale to  Doctors and Medical Healthcare Providers only​)

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